Titan Web SmartV

Business Background

Website security is more important than ever.

  • Authentication and verification of users allow you to limit access to webpages that may contain protected information to intended users only.
  • It is important that your users can verify themselves quickly and easily, providing greater security and improving the user experience. This will save costs and protect your business effectively.
  • Protect your content from data breaches and ensure your customers’ data is safe.

Titan Solution

  • You can add smart validation to your projects. Smart validation adds a double verification to your project. You can add a one-time password or two-factor authentication (2FA). This is safer than using just an email and password method of verification.
  • SmartV lets you define certain pages with password protection. Users will have to authenticate themselves before accessing those pages.
  • Titan lets you add protection to your entire project, or you can add the verification on page level.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide

  1. Select the Gear icon to open the Project settings in Titan Web.
Web Gear icon
Web Gear icon
  1. Under User Access, enable the SmartV toggle to switch it on.
  2. Select the Gear icon. The Configure SmartV Login screen opens.
Project Settings - SmartV
Project Settings – SmartV
  1. Use the following links to configure the SmartV.
  • Login: Set up a login page using a Salesforce object and create the parameters that will be used to verify your user’s login.
  • Condition: Add any conditional logic that suits your business needs. This is not mandatory.
  • Authentication: Select the authentication method, for instance, two-factor authentication.
  • Profile: Add a profile page to your project where users can create profiles for your webpage. This is not mandatory.
  • Registration: Add a registration page to your project where a user can register for your webpage. This is not mandatory.
  • Parameters: Add access control parameters to the webpage. This is not mandatory.
  • Preview: Preview the different pages that you added, such as Login and Registration. You can change the settings and styling of the pages.
Configure SmartV Login screen
Configure SmartV Login screen

Learn how to configure the settings for the SmartV pages.

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