SmartV Login

Business Background

A login screen is an entry page to a web or mobile application that requires a user to supply identification and authentication that will be verified against existing credentials. Only a user who could verify themselves successfully will be granted access to the page.

Titan Solution

  • Add a custom log in screen using any object in Salesforce with no code.
  • A customer will have to log in to the project with unique identifying parameters. The object in Salesforce will be used to authenticate the user.
  • Titan lets you add a log in page to your project in a few steps. Only users with the required information will be able to log in.

How to Video

Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Use the drop-down list to select the object from Salesforce, such as Contact. This is the object with which you want to authenticate a user in Salesforce.
Login screen
Login screen
  1. Use the drop-down list to select the value, for instance, ContactID. This is usually the ID of the record of the selected object in Salesforce. This is a required field.
    • This is the value that is returned after the SmartV was completed successfully.
    • It will be stored and you can use it again later, for instance, to do queries.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the email. The default option is Email. This is an optional field.
Login screen
Login screen

It is possible to leave the Email field is blank (nothing is selected from the drop-down list) and you can add an additional field:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-113.png

You can then add an email option on the Authentication screen:
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-114.png

The 2FA will be sent to the user’s email address.

  1. Click the Add a Field option to add additional fields. There must at least be an email field or an additional field. The more fields you add, the more fields a user will have to complete before gaining access to the page.
  • For instance, if you add first name, last name, email address, street address and social security number, the user must complete all these fields before they will be able to log in to the webpage. All these fields will be used to verify the identity of the user.
  • Users will see an “Invalid login” message when the information that they supplied cannot be verified. They must supply the correct information for all the fields before they will be logged in.
  • If the user selects the log in button without completing all the mandatory fields, a message will be shown underneath each mandatory field that it must be completed.
Mandatory fields warning
Mandatory fields warning
  • If the user uses an email address that is associated with more than one record in Salesforce, the login will fail. Refer to the following video for more information.
  • After an invalid login, the user will have to wait for 30 seconds before attempting to log in again.
  • The wording of the messages is editable under the Captions option on the Settings screen. Click here for more information.
  1. Use the drop-down list to select an additional field, such as Full Name. The label added by default is the same as the field, but it is editable.
Login screen
Login screen
  1. To add additional protection, click the Kebab icon to open the popup screen.
    • Click the Password Mode checkbox to add password mode to the field. The user’s input data will be protected.
Login screen - Password Mode
Login screen – Password Mode

When the user completes this field in password mode, only dots will be visible:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-675.png

  1. Click the Next button. The Condition screen opens.

Hidden Title

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