Redirect/Go to Page

Business Background

You can use the Redirect/Go to Page to redirect users to multiple domains.

Titan Solution

Add an internal or external redirect in a few clicks with no code.

How to Video

Coming soon!

How to Guide

You can configure a redirect/go to page action as part of the following:

  1. Add conditions to an element, such as a text element or a form.
  2. Add an On Click Action to an element, such as a button or shape.
  3. Add a post-payment action when doing a payment configuration.

1. Add Conditions

  • Text element settings > Conditions > Configure Conditions button > Set Conditions screen > + icon > Layout Actions > Redirect/Go to Page option > Next button > Redirect/Go to Page screen


2. Add On Click Action

  • Text element > On Click Action icon > On Click Action screen> + icon > Layout Actions > Redirect/Go to Page option > Next button > Redirect/Go to Page screen

3. Add post-payment action for payment configurations

  • Text element settings > Conditions > Configure Conditions button > Set Conditions screen > + icon > Payment > Create New/Edit existing > Post Payment > Redirect on Finish toggle switch on > Gear icon > Redirect/Go to Page screen
  • Text element > On Click Action icon > On Click Action screen> + icon > Payment > Create New/Edit existing > Post Payment > Redirect on Finish toggle switch on > Gear icon > Redirect/Go to Page screen

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-580.png

Select an option from the list for more information:

  1. External Redirect/Go to Page
  2. Internal Redirect/Go to Page
Add Node/Redirect/Go to Page screen
Add Node/Redirect/Go to Page screen

Hidden Title

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