Remind Collaborators

Business Background

Remind collaborators to review or comment on a contract using the dynamic configuration.

Titan Solution

  • Remind the collaborators per contract by sending them an email to prompt them to edit the contents of a document or add comments.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide



Set up the collaborator permissions. Click here for more information.

Configure reminder emails for collaborators as follows:

  1. Under Settings, click on the Limit/Reminder tab to open it.
  2. Click in the Collaborator Auto Reminder checkbox. The status “Not Set” is shown, and a Configure button is added.
  3. Click on the Configure button. The Auto Reminder screen opens.
Collaborator Auto Reminder checkbox
Collaborator Auto Reminder checkbox
  1. Add the number of days for the first and second reminders. The reminders will be sent these set number of days after the first email for collaboration was sent.

Only natural numbers can be added (N=1, 2, 3 …).

  1. Click on the Apply button.
Auto Reminder screen
Auto Reminder screen

The configure status is changed to “Set”:

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  1. Under Settings, click on the Emails tab yo expand the options.
  2. Scroll down to the Collaborator Reminder option.
  3. Click in the Collaborator Reminder checkbox. The status “Not Set” is shown, and an Edit button is added.
  4. Click on the Edit button. The Custom Message screen opens with a default email message.
Expanded Email tab
Expanded Email tab
  1. Edit the subject line and/or body of the email, if necessary.

The Document URL is mandatory.

  1. Click on the Apply button.
Custom Message screen
Custom Message screen

The reminder email status is changed to “Set.”

Hidden Title

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