Salesforce Integration: Payments

Business Background

Configure the Salesforce integrations for your payment methods.

Titan Solution

Titan Web lets configure the Salesforce integrations for your payment methods in your Web project.

How to Video

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How to Guide



  1. Configure Payment.
  2. Select Payment Type.
  3. Set Payment Method.
  4. Set Processor Configuration.
  5. Set Post Payment.
  6. Set Layout.
  1. Use the Process Push or Get drop-down list to select an option.
Payment Configuration > SF Integration screen
Payment Configuration > SF Integration screen

If you do not see your predefined Salesforce Push, browse to Salesforce integrations:

  • Project Settings > Salesforce > Salesforce Integrations > Push > Advanced

The Upon payment checkbox must be checked:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-315.png

If this option is not checked, the Salesforce Push cannot be added to the payment configuration. It notifies the system that this is a payment push.


Save to My Submissions is automatically checked when Upon payment is checked and cannot be unchecked. This will hold the parameters (in the Titan package in Salesforce that must have been installed via AppExchange) that are coming back from the payment company after a successful payment .

  1. Alternatively, create a Salesforce Push by clicking the Configure Salesforce Integration button. The Salesforce Integration screen opens.
  2. Under Push, click the Create New button. The Map Salesforce fields screen opens.
Create New button
Create New button
  1. Select the Object in Salesforce drop-down list, for instance, Payment. This lets you track every payment.
  2. Select the Action drop-down list to specify what you want to do, for instance, if you want to create or update an object. In this article, the Create option was selected.
  3. Add a description in the Description field. The description is used for internal needs: it describes the integration of the data from and to Salesforce internally.
Object Settings
Object Settings
  1. Under Mapping, use the drop-down list and scroll down to select the attributes relevant to your configured payment type. Each payment integration has unique attributes you can push to Salesforce.

These are the returned parameters for the payment integration process.

  1. Under Run Criteria, configure the run criteria. The Push will only run when the condition in the run criteria is met.
    • This example shows the run criteria when the payment is completed.
    • Configure the run criteria that suit your business needs.
Run Criteria
Run Criteria
  1. Under Advanced, configure the following optional options:

The Upon payment checkbox must be checked. If this option is not checked, the Salesforce Push cannot be added to the payment configuration. It notifies the system that this is a payment Push.

Save to My Submissions is automatically checked when Upon payment is checked and cannot be unchecked. The payment action will be saved in the Titan package in Salesforce that must have been installed via AppExchange.

  1. Click the Apply button. The Push integration is added to the Salesforce Integrations screen.
  2. Click the Close button. The option is added to the Payment Configuration screen.
Salesforce Integrations screen
Salesforce Integrations screen
  1. Select the Integration Action you configured from the drop-down list.
  2. Add a Payment Description if necessary.
  3. Click the Apply button.
Payment Configuration screen
Payment Configuration screen
  1. Click the Apply button.
  2. Add a tag if needed and click the Insert button. The payment method is added with the label next to the company name.
Payment method added to My Payments list
Payment method added to My Payments list
  1. Click the Next button. The payment type is added to the element.
Payment added to On Click Action screen
Payment added to On Click Action screen

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