Doughnut Chart

Business Background

Doughnut charts are primarily used to display data in a circular format and show the relationship of parts to a whole. Here are a few of the common uses of doughnut charts:

  1. Part-to-Whole Relationships: Doughnut charts are effective in illustrating the proportion of each component to the total. Each segment represents a portion of the whole, and the size of each segment is proportional to the quantity it represents.
  2. Percentage Distribution: Doughnut charts are useful for showing the distribution of percentages within a total. For example, you might use a doughnut chart to display the percentage distribution of sales across different product categories.
  3. Multiple Data Sets: Doughnut charts can be used to compare part-to-whole relationships across multiple data sets. Each part of the ring in the doughnut chart represents a different dataset, allowing for easy comparison.

Titan Solution

With Tian Web, you can configure a doughnut chart with data from your Salesforce.

How to Video

  • Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Click the icon to open the list of elements.
  2. Select the Chart option from the list.
  3. Click-and-drag the Doughnut Chart element to the canvas.
  4. Use the drop-down list to select a source in Salesforce and click the Next button.
Select source
Select source
  1. Use the drop-down lists to configure a condition as necessary.
Condition example
Condition example
  1. Use the Source drop-down list to configure the mapping of the X-axis as necessary.
  2. Use the drop-down list to configure the following for the Y-axis.
    • Count
    • Sum
    • Ignore
    • Average
  3. Use the Source drop-down list to configure the mapping of the Y-axis as necessary.
Mapping example
Mapping example
  1. Click the Add more option to add additional mapping.
    • Additional mapping is used only for variables in chart tooltips.
  2. Use the Source drop-down list to configure the additional mapping.
Mapping example
Mapping example
  1. If necessary, click the Delete icon to remove a parameter.
Mapping example
  1. Click the Apply button. The doughnut chart is added to the canvas.
  1. Save and Preview the project.

Learn more about the doughnut chart settings.

Hidden Title

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