
Business Background

Add a Matrix Question to your survey, making it easy for your customers to respond faster with just a few clicks.

Titan Solution

  • Titan Survey provides an option to add a Matrix Question to your survey.
  • In essence, the Matrix Question is similar to the rating scale question and is ideal if you ask a few questions in a row that cover the same answer options.
  • You can also add more items by clicking the Add a choice option.

How To Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

  1. Create a new Web Survey.
  2. Add a question slide and click the Next button.
Question Slide option
Question Slide option
  1. Select the Survey option from the category.
  2. Click the Matrix option.
  3. Click the Insert button. The matrix question slide is added to your survey. The default is three items, but you can add more.
Matrix option
Matrix option
  1. Type your question in the Text field.
  2. Type your description in the Text field, if necessary.
Text Field
Text Field
  1. Click the Question Edit Mapping button. The Configure Items screen opens.
Edit Mapping buttons
Edit Mapping buttons
  1. Type the Label and Value of your items in the fields. You can add more items by clicking on the Add a choice option.
  2. Click the Apply button.
Configure Items screen - Questions
Configure Items screen – Questions
  1. Click the Answer Edit mapping button.
  2. Type the Label and Value of your items in the fields. You can add more items by clicking on the Add a choice option.
  3. Click the Apply button.
Configure Items screen – Answers

You can change the settings and the styling of the question.

Hidden Title

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