
Business Background

Checkbox question types give a business the advantage of retrieving customer responses quickly with a few clicks.

Titan Solution

  • Titan Survey offers the option to add checkbox questions to your survey.
  • The checkbox question allows respondents to select one or many options from a list provided by single or multiple checkboxes.
  • Users can generate checkbox questions with data pulled directly from Salesforce, and customer responses sync back to Salesforce, ensuring complete survey automation.

How to Video

Use Titan Survey to easily create web or email surveys for Salesforce. In this video, we will show you how to use the checkbox question type in Titan Web Survey.

  • 0:12 Add Checkbox Question Type: Learn how to use the question type checkbox.
  • 0:20 Set Content: We show you how to select single or multiple selection checkboxes. You can also sync data from Salesforce.
  • 1:05 Publish Survey: Learn how to publish the survey and add an object like a contact.
  • 1:12 Add Conditions: We show you how to add conditions such as your Last Name.
  • 1:20 Distribution Method: You can choose your distribution methods, such as Mail, SMS, or WhatsApp.
  • 1:24 Choose Content: Choose an Email Template or Custom Email.
  • 1:37 Send Survey: We show you how to send the survey.
  • 2:12 View Survey Email: Learn how to view the survey link in your email and see how it works.
  • 2:29 Salesforce: View your questions and responses in Salesforce.

How to Guide

  1. Create a new Web Survey.
  2. Add a question slide and click the Next button.
Question Slide option
Question Slide option
  1. Select the Boolean category and click the Checkbox option.
  2. Click the Insert button.
Checkbox option
Checkbox option
  1. Type your question in the text field.
  2. Type the description if necessary.
Text Field
Text Field
  1. Select the Single Value radio button to have one value to check.
Single Value
Single Value
  1. To use Static Values, click the Edit Mapping option. Type your option in the label or value field on the Configure Items screen.
    • Click the Add a choice button to add more choices.
    • Click the Clear Default button to delete or remove a choice.
    • Click the Apply button.
Static Values
Static Values
  1. To use Dynamic Values, click the Sync from Salesforce option.
    • Select an option from the Select an object drop-down list.
    • Select an option from the Select a field drop-down list.
    • Click the Apply button.
Dynamic Values
Dynamic Values

You can change the settings and the styling of the slider.

Hidden Title

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