Multiple Finish Slides

Business Background

Use Titan Survey to create web or email surveys for Salesforce easily. Configure Salesforce integrated surveys swiftly with Titan’s no-code platform.

Titan Solution

Titan Survey can help you customize a Finish Slide based on customer responses from your web or email survey.

  • Add a unique message to the Finish Slide of a survey depending on a customer’s previous response.
  • Rating questions are popular question types and work well with customized notifications on Finish Slides for your surveys.
  • Gauge customer sentiment from their survey responses and impress them with our intelligent customer interaction options.
  • Set up conditional logic for your survey question flows.
  • Incorporating these customized Finish Slides into a survey is fast, with a few clicks that can save you time and increase the professionalism of your business.

How To Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

  1. In Titan, create a new Web Survey Project.
  2. Add question and/or information slides.
Question and Information slides
Question and Information slides

Prerequisites: Make sure you have a survey slide where the user can select options. In this example, a star rating is used.

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  1. Click the Add Slide button. The Add Slide screen opens. The default option is a Question slide.
  2. Click the End Slide option. The Add Slide screen with layout options opens.
  3. Click the layout option. You can edit this later.
  4. Repeat these steps until you have the number of Finish slides you need. For this example, we will use three finish slides: the default and two extra.
End Slide Option
End Slide Option
  1. Rename each Finish Slide:
    • Click the Kebab button.
    • Click the Rename option. The Slide Name popup opens.
    • Type a recognizable name in the field.
    • Click the check mark to save the name.
Rename Slide
Rename Slide
  1. Click the first Finish Slide.
    • Click the Rename option and change the title.
  2. Click the second Finish Slide.
    • Click the Rename option and change the title.
  3. Click the third Finish Slide.
    • Click the Rename option and change the title.
Renamed Slides
  1. Click the Flow icon. The Question Flow screen opens.
Flow icon
Flow icon
  1. Select the Custom flow option.
  2. Click the Add Question option. The Select Question screen opens.
Question Flow
Question Flow
  1. Click the questions you want to add. For instance, Slide 4 (the star rating question) and the three Finish Slides.
  2. Click the Insert button.
Select Questions
Select Questions
  1. Click the Kebab button next to the star rating question.
  2. Click the Add Condition option. The Set Conditions screen opens.
Add Condition
Add Condition
  1. Set the conditions for Rule 1:
    • Search for the name of the star rating slide.
    • Set the condition as follows: Star rating slide Less than Value =3
  2. Click the Add rule option. Rule 2 is added.
  3. Set the conditions for Rule 2:
    • Search for the name of the star rating slide.
    • Set the condition as follows: Star rating slide Greater than Value =3
    • Click the Apply button.
Set Conditions
Set Conditions
  1. Drag the options in a logical format in relation to the condition.
  2. Hover your mouse pointer over the small circle of the Start slide. The mouse pointer changes to a cross.
  3. Click and drag the mouse pointer to the slide with the star rating question until the mouse pointer changes to a cross.
  4. Lift your finger from the mouse button to drop the connecting line on the option. This connects the start slide to the star rating slide.
  5. Hover with your mouse pointer over the small circle of Less than 5. The mouse pointer changes to a cross.
  6. Click and drag the mouse pointer to the option on the left until the mouse pointer changes to a cross.
  7. Lift your finger from the mouse button to drop the connecting line on the option.
  8. Do this until you have connected all the nodes.
Set Up Conditions
Set Up Conditions
    1. Click the Apply button.

    Hidden Title

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