May 5th, 2023

New Features

Titan Web

Web Accordion - Custom Icon

Choose from a variety of Custom Icons. This creates visual interest in your projects and can convey purpose so users can easily understand and recognize the information required. Read More

Order Tracker Widget - Hide Inactive Label

We added the option to hide the inactive labels. Read More

Order Tracker Widget - Sub Group Label

We added the option to show the sub group label. Read More

Titan Forms

Forms 2.0 - Custom Preloader

Custom preloaders provide a business the power to engage customers with content while loading all website elements in the background. Read More

Titan Sign

Custom Menu

Configure custom menu options for the FT Document Generation feature. Read the updated article

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

Resizing a carousel container unexpectedly affected the size of the strip in the builder. This was fixed.

Our team fixed a bug that affected a button‘s visibility on a mobile device layout.

We fixed a bug on the icons for drop-down and multi-select picklist elements.

We added a border around a theme to indicate when it is selected.

When adding long text fields to an accordion element, the text showed outside the element. This was fixed.

A bug occurred when making an iCredit payment with a variable as the product name. Our team fixed this.

The old dashboard was incorrectly shown when deleting a project using the Delete Project option in the builder. We fixed this.

We improved the search options for the quantity counter survey element. We added the option to configure decimal step sizes.

We fixed a bug where the repeat auto container didn’t scroll correctly when the project was previewed.

A power table with the Allow Selection option under Interactivity enabled didn’t run the condition as expected. This was fixed.

We fixed a bug where the footer of a page didn’t show as expected when using the desktop device layout.

When using an image URL, the image showed in the builder but not when previewing the project. Our team fixed this.

We fixed the SmartV Sign Out functionality on the header that didn’t work as expected.

We improved the styling of the order tracker and the multi-stepper elements.

We fixed bugs that occurred on the repeat auto-fit container.

There were bugs on the custom theme functionality for the following elements that we fixed:

  • Scheduler widget
  • Table pricing widget
  • E-commerce cart

We fixed bugs on the file upload element that occurred when changing the size or the variant styling.

The SmartV verification code screen looked different in the builder than the preview page. Our team fixed this.

There were cosmetic UI issues on the Map Interactivity screen that were fixed.

When the order tracker widget is added to a header, footer, modal, etc., the label will specify the position when doing tracker interactivity.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-85-1024x614.png

The icon color in a power table could not be affected when the initial Salesforce Get condition ran. Our team fixed this.

Styling the background color for a power table didn’t work as expected. This was fixed.

We updated the styling options for the accordion element.

We fixed a bug that occurred when making an payment where the billing and shipping information didn’t populate correctly.

A lookup element didn’t work correctly when placed inside a modal or auto-fit container. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug that occurred on a lookup element in a duplicated custom modal.

We improved the cloning process for web projects. If the user loses their web connection, the project will be cloned without an error.

An error occurred when configuring a power table and then adding or changing fields. This was fixed.

When mapping a power table using Apex, it mapped to SAP instead of Salesforce. This was fixed.

Titan Forms

We fixed a bug that occurred when making an payment where the billing and shipping information didn’t populate correctly in Forms 1.0.

The Show Toast action flow in Forms 2.0 is only available for Enterprise license holders. It was disabled accordingly.

The following message types are available for Forms 2.0:

  • Show message
  • Confirmation message
  • Post message

Titan Docs

We fixed bugs where the images from a Web project didn’t render as expected.

We added the user ID of the Salesforce user who previews a document to the Logs under Settings using the Titan Dashboard for more comprehensive tracking.

Titan CLM

Changes made to the emails in the Titan builder didn’t reflect in the CLM Wizard in Salesforce. Our team fixed this.

Titan Sign

The text in text area and text field elements were not contained by the borders of the elements. We fixed this.

We fixed a bug where a sign template run from the Sign Wizard in Salesforce did not run the Get actions.

We added the user ID of the Salesforce user who previews a document to the Logs under Settings using the Titan Dashboard for more comprehensive tracking.

The text on an RTL project’s 2FA and verification screens was left aligned. This was fixed, and the text will now be right aligned.

Titan Flow

Loop variables are automatically created when a loop node is added to the project.

Titan Platform

We fixed a bug where the API counter didn’t increase when information was sent to Google Sheets using a Titan Flow project.

The integration logs and live trace tracking will show the Salesforce platform events like other Salesforce push integrations. Learn more information about Live Trace.

We added the correct link to the Document Generation support page.

Our team fixed the buttons on the My Submissions tab that didn’t work in a specific scenario.

There were bugs when managing projects and adding a project to a folder. The available folders were not visible. This was fixed.

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