August 4th, 2023

New Features

Titan Web

File Viewer - Use Static Files

We improved the file viewer widget to upload static files, such as PDF, PNG, or TXT files. Read More

JS Functions

We added the following functions for JS use:

  • Set the focus from JS
  • Set the background/CSS from JS
  • Get the element and page ID from the tag name
  • Get the current page ID
  • Redirect to the page by ID

Generate SmartV Quick Link

We improved the SmartV functionality with the Generate SmartV Quick Link option, whereby you can send the user a quick one-time link to log in. For more information, read more.

Titan Sign

Sign URL

We added the option to generate a sign URL from the Titan Wizard in Salesforce. This URL can be sent to a signer through means other than email. Read More

Sign with an ePad

To enable signers to sign documents using an ePad, simply add the “Use ePad” option to your documents. Read More

Element Guide Lines

We added green dotted lines on elements to assist you with the alignment of the elements with the text. These elements are visible when you click an element.

Enhanced Viewer

We added an option to ensure that the document requiring a signature is displayed correctly on any mobile device, regardless of its limitations. Read More

Titan Flow

Merged File - Custom Name

Give a merged file a custom name. Read More

Titan Platform

Open a Case

We improved the process of logging a support case. Read More

Sign APIs

We added the following APIs to Titan Sign:

  • Get all Sign Projects. Read More
  • Copy Sign Project between two Titan Accounts. Read More

For more information on APIs in Titan, read more.

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

Our team fixed issues where the Push to Salesforce upon payment was unsuccessful when submitting a single Stripe payment or resubmitting the payment from the Dashboard.

There was a bug where the alignment of the header in the preview looked different than the alignment in the builder. This was fixed.

A failed Pelecard payment was pushed to Salesforce, even when the Salesforce Integration configuration stated that it should only be pushed on success.  We fixed this.

A JavaScript function called ftSetValueByID was not working when trying to set the value to a field in a native modal. This was fixed.

We fixed bugs that affected the country code alignment on a phone number element and that duplicated the country code when a user started to enter numbers in the phone input field for RTL project alignment.

It was not possible to add another tab to a client’s multi-step container, but our team fixed that.

There was a bug where elements in an autofit container in the footer didn’t work as expected on a specific project. The tooltip couldn’t be hidden, and the auto scroll on the project hid the header. We fixed these issues.

Our team fixed bugs that affected the order of elements in the builder and the size of an autofit container when using the mobile device layout.

We made changes so that the icon on the quantitative counter can be hidden using logic.

We fixed a JS error on an animation component.

There was a bug where an Excel file could not be merged with a PNG and a Doc file. We fixed this.

Our team fixed a bug on a lookup field on a modal where the search functionality didn’t work as expected.

A floating container was displayed twice. This was fixed.

When passing a document to Titan Flow, it was not possible to specify the title of the file, and the uploaded document was simply titled “Document.” We have made changes, and now you can define a custom document title.

We fixed a bug that affected the fonts on a specific page.

Our team resolved a bug that prevented the user from moving to the third step when configuring a Submission node.

We fixed a bug on the label of an RTL numeric element.

Titan Docs

When mapping a Submission to insert a field on a Salesforce or SAP environment, the user was incorrectly redirected to the screen to choose a connection. Our team fixed this.

Titan Sign

The last unsigned signature field was automatically completed when clicking the Finish sign button on the Sign Now wizard. This was incorrect, and our team fixed this bug.

Titan Ecommerce

We fixed a bug that occurred on the cart interactivity for deleted items.

Titan Platform

If a user grants the Titan support team access to their environment when opening a case, the checkbox value is pushed to the created case in Salesforce.

Hidden Title