Table/Section in Word template from Submissions

Business Background

Import multiple records into your Word document in a section or table format. The data imported into the Word document is pulled from multiple repeated strips in your Submissions.

Titan Solution

  • Titan grants users access to insert fields that are not required to be saved in Salesforce as a record.
  • Titan provides the option to bring repeated submission data to a table and section in an easy-to-read format.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

  1. Make sure that you have created Submissions

You can import multiple records into your Word document as follows:


Ensure you have installed and signed in to the Titan Word add-in.

Insert/Edit a Section

  1. Select the Insert/Edit Section option. The Choose provider screen opens.
  2. Choose the provider you wish to use.
    • Salesforce.
      • The data has to be in Salesforce.
    • Titan Web project
      • The document generation is run from the live Web project.
    • Titan Submissions
      • The data from the Web project is saved to Submissions, and then the document is generated. This also lets you generate the document offline.
Form Titan>Insert/Edit Section> Choose Provider
Form Titan>Insert/Edit Section> Choose Provider

In this example, a submission is selected.

  1. Select the Next button. The Insert Section screen opens.
  2. Configure the following mandatory fields:
    • Project: This is the Titan Project the content will be pulled from.
    • Comment: Add a comment description. This will assist with re-use purposes.
  3. After the configuration is completed, select the Insert button.

The section displays in your Word document.

Inserted section
Inserted section

Configure the filter of the submission

Insert/Edit a Table


Take note of die fields you added to the submission configuration. You will need the exact field names for the table.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-301-1024x610.png

  1. Select the Insert/Edit Table option. The Insert Table Screen opens.
  2. Set up the table:
    • Select the Submission radio button.
    • Configure the following mandatory fields:
      • Project: This is the Titan Project the content will be pulled from.
      • Comment: Add a comment description. This will assist with re-use purposes.
    • Configure the following fields if necessary:
      • Data row index
      • Header row index
Form Titan > Insert/Edit Table > Set up table
Form Titan > Insert/Edit Table > Set up table
  1. Set up the columns:
    • Column name. This is the column name that will be shown on the table.
      • Use the drop-down list to select Static or Dynamic.
    • Type: Use the drop-down list to select a type.
    • Add a field. These are the exact field names that you added in the submission configuration. The fields are case-sensitive.
    • Use the Add col button to add more columns.
      • Configure the columns as in step 3.
  2. Select the Insert table button.
Form Titan > Insert/Edit Table > Configure the columns
Form Titan > Insert/Edit Table > Configure the columns

The table displays in your Word document.


Configure the filter of the submission

Before previewing or publishing the template, you must configure the filter of the section/table to use the correct submissionID.

The system has to know which submissionID it must bring back from the Submissions. You can use a hidden field in the Word add-in template that will hold the submission ID or you can brin it from a previous Get that you created in the template.


When you use a another Get, make sure that Get is listed above the Get you are configuring.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-306.png

  1. Under Preview or Publish, select the filter icon next to the object you created.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the ID and select the Save button.

Hidden Title

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