Variant for Search element

Business Background

Change the Variant type to best suit your business needs with Titan Web. The Variant option is available for the Search element. The variant type determines the look of the search element.

How to Video

  • 0:02 An Introduction to the Search Trigger element.
  • 0:17 Navigate to the Index Settings page.
  • 0:22 We show you the Hide Onload option.
  • 0:35 Learn about selecting the different Variant Options.
  • 1:05 Adding Labels and Placeholder text to your Search Bar.
  • 1:40 Showing and hiding the Clear Button.
  • 2:00 We show you how to add and configure a table.
  • 3:24 Linking your table to Salesforce.
  • 4:44 Preview the configured form.
  • 6:01 How to disable the form while loading.
  • 6:20 Conclusion.

How to Guide

  1. Select the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Input option from the list.
  3. Select and drag the Search element to the canvas.
  4. Select the Search settings Gear icon. The Search Setting screen opens.
  5. Select the Interactivity option from the list.
Variant drop-down list screen
Variant drop-down list
  1. Select the Variant drop-down list and set the listed options. The Standard option is set by default.
Variant Search screen example
Standard – Select the Standard option for a basic or common look.
Filled – Select the Filled option for a color-filled look. Filled option example
Outline – Select the Outline option for an object’s shape in a sketch or diagram look. Outline option example screen
Fixed – Select the Fixed option for securely in position look. Fixed option example screen
Classic – Select the Classic option for a classic quality look. Classic option example screen

Hidden Title

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