Verification Email
Business Background
Configure the contents of the verification email on the Login screen.
How to Video
Coming soon.
How to Guide
- Click the Edit Verification Email button to change the verification email. The Edit Verification Email screen opens.
- Add a the following:
- From field. This is what users will see as the sender in their inbox.
- Subject: You can change the subject.
- Message Body. You can change the message body.
Use the All element drop-down list to add fields. The Secret Code is mandatory.
- Add the Verification Address: Email is the default option.
- You can change the verification address by opening the drop-down list and selecting Static Text.
- If you select Static Text, add the text in the added field.
If you select Email, the user’s email will be shown on the Verification screen.
If you add Static Text, the static text will be shown on the screen, for instance:
This doesn’t change the method where the verification code will be sent, it only changes the text on the Verification screen.
- Click the Save button.