SmartV Login Complete

Business Background

Control what happens when a user logs in to your project.

Titan Solution

Titan lets you configure events that will occur when a user logs in to your project.

How to Video

Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Open a Titan Web project where SmartV was configured.
    • Browse here for more information on the SmartV functionality.
  2. Select the Gear icon to open the Project settings.
  3. Under User Access, ensure the SmartV toggle switch is on.
Gear icon
Gear icon
  1. Use the toggle switch to turn the Login Complete functionality on.
  2. Select the Gear icon to open the onLogin screen.
Login Complete
Login Complete
  1. Select the + icon to open the Add Node screen.
onLogin screen
onLogin screen

In this example, Show Message will be used. You can add any node that you require.

  1. Select the Show Message option and the Next button. The Add Node/Show message screen opens.
Add Node screen
Add Node screen
  1. Use the Include title field to add a title to the message. The checkbox is on by default.
  2. If necessary, use the All elements drop-down list to add elements to your email.
Add Node/Show message screen
Add Node/Show message screen
  1. Use the HTML editor to add a message and select the Next button.
Add Node/Show message screen
Add Node/Show message screen
  1. Add a tag if necessary and select the Insert button.
  2. Select the Apply button.
  3. Save and Preview the project.
Message added
Message added

After the user logs in, they will see the message you created.

  • Browse here for more information on the Before Logout actions.
  • Browse here for more information on the After Logout actions.
  • Browse here for more information on the Session Expire actions.
  • Browse here for more information on the Wrong OTP actions.

Hidden Title

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