Configure the Scheduler Widget

Business Background

Allow users to view, create, edit, and delete schedules, appointments, or events within a calendar-like interface.

Titan Solution

With Titan Web, you can add a scheduler widget to schedule meetings with Salesforce-linked contacts or static users. You can configure meeting types, availability, and events.

How to Video

  • Coming soon.

How to Guide

The first step in configuring the Scheduler widget is adding users or assets. You can add static data or bring objects from Salesforce. Afterward, you can configure meeting types, events, and availability as required.

  1. Click the icon to open the list of elements.
  2. Select the Widget option from the list.
  3. Drag-and-drop the Scheduler widget to the canvas. The Scheduler Configuration screen opens.
Scheduler widget
Scheduler widget
  1. Select the Source in Salesforce from the drop-down list. This is the default option. It will bring dynamic data from the Salesforce source that you select.
    • This can be people, for instance, contacts, opportunities, or leads.
    • It can also be resources, such as meeting rooms or venues.
  2. If necessary, configure conditions for the Salesforce object, for instance, a specific type of person or resource.
Scheduler Configuration - Select source in Salesforce
Scheduler Configuration – Select source in Salesforce
  1. Alternatively, click the Static radio button to configure a static data source. This is the method used in this example.
  2. Click the Next button.
Scheduler Configuration - Select source
Scheduler Configuration – Select static source
  1. Map a static user by adding data, such as the following:
    • Value: This is the unique identifier for each user. It can be a name or a numeric value. You will see this value when you use the debug functionality or when you configure a condition.
    • Avatar: You can add an avatar with an image URL, either a JPEG or a PNG.
    • Name: This is the name of the person or venue that will be displayed on the scheduler.
    • Heading: This can be a description of the person or venue you are adding, for instance, CEO or Boardroom.
    • Description: You can give further information here, for instance, product specialist or first floor.
    • From Time and To Time: These are the specific times that the person or venue is available. This is optional. You can configure availability and absences later.
Scheduler Configuration - Mapping
Scheduler Configuration – Mapping

The mapping options are the same for the Salesforce data source. Use the drop-down lists to select the options.

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  1. Click the Add a user option to add another user and complete the relevant fields.
  2. Use the Set Logo option to add a logo to the scheduler widget.
  3. Click the Apply button. The scheduler is added to the canvas.
Scheduler added to the canvas
Scheduler added to the canvas
  1. Configure the meeting type.
  2. Configure events.

Learn more about the scheduler widget’s settings.

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