Salesforce Document Generation – Auto PDF Templates

Business Background

Easily configure Salesforce document generation with Titan Web.

Titan Solution

How to Video

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How to Guide


Project Settings > Tools > Document Generation > Gear icon

  1. Click in the Auto PDF block. The Configure Project Document Generation Settings screen opens.
Auto PDF option
Auto PDF option
  1. Use the checkboxes to select option/s:
    • Download: Download the Auto PDF.
    • Push to Salesforce: Push the PDF to Salesforce.
    • Email: Attach the file to an email.
  2. Click the Next button.
Configure Project Document Generation Settings screen
Configure Project Document Generation Settings screen
  1. Under General, add a label in the field.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the source page. This is a page in your Web project.

The options on the left of the screen under General depend on the options you selected on the previous screen.

You can add options:

  1. Click the + icon in front of Add Option.
  2. Click the + icon in front of an option to add it to the list.
  1. If necessary, right-click on the AppExchange link to open it in a new window and install the latest version of our app.
Document Generation screen - General
Document Generation screen – General
  1. Configure the options that you selected:


  1. Click the Download option.
    1. Use the toggle switch to enable the Download functionality.
    2. Use the toggle switch to add a dynamic file name if necessary.
      • The Custom Name field changes to a drop-down list where you can select the dynamic file name.
    3. Type a custom name.
    4. Use the toggle switch to enable digital signatures, if necessary. The option Digital Signature is added to the left of the screen.
    5. Use the toggle switch to enable the actions while waiting: Freeze the screen while the template is generating.
    6. Click the checkbox to optimize the image quality for better performance.
      • This will reduce the image quality to 80% of the original and will therefore reduce the file size.
    7. Use the toggle switch to enable the actions while waiting: Show a progress bar.
Document Generation screen - Download
Document Generation screen – Download

Push to Salesforce

  1. Click the Push to Salesforce option.
    1. Use the toggle switch to enable the Push to Salesforce functionality.
    2. Use the toggle switch to add a dynamic file name if necessary.
      • The Custom Name field changes to a drop-down list where you can select the dynamic file name.
    3. Type a custom name.
    4. Use the toggle switch to enable a Digital Signature.
Document Generation screen - Push to Salesforce
Document Generation screen – Push to Salesforce
  1. Make sure that you configure the Salesforce Push.


  1. Click the Email option.
    1. Use the toggle switch to add a dynamic file name if necessary.
      • The Custom Name field changes to a drop-down list where you can select the dynamic file name.
    2. Alternatively, type a custom name.
    3. Use the toggle switch to enable digital signatures, if necessary. The option Digital Signature is added to the left of the screen.
    4. Click the checkbox to optimize the image quality for better performance.
      • This will reduce the image quality to 80% of the original and will, therefore, reduce the file size.
Document Generation screen – Email

Digital Signature


Make sure that you used the toggle switch to enable a Digital Signature, either under the Download,  Push to Salesforce or Email option.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-59.png

  1. Use the drop-down list to select an option.
    • Use Form Titan certificate
    • Use your certificate. If you select this option, the rest of the screen options are no longer shown.
  2. Use the toggle switch to show the signature.
  3. Use the drop-down list to select a position.
    • Left bottom
    • Right bottom
    • Left top
    • Right top
  4. Type the value for the padding in the X and Y fields.
  5. Type the value for the width and height in the fields.
  6. Use the drop-down list to select a reason.
    • Other. Add the reason in the field.
    • Variable (This is a variable that you added to the project.)
  7. Purchase more credits if needed.
Document Generation screen - Digital Signature
Document Generation screen – Digital Signature
  1. Click the Apply button. The PDF template is added.
  2. Use the Edit icon to edit the template.
  3. Use the Kebab icon to do one of the following:
    • Turn Off
    • Delete
Template added
Template added

Add the Document Generation to an action flow

  1. Configure an On Click Action on an element.
  2. Click the + icon to add a node.
  3. Under User Interaction, select the Document Generation option and click the Next button.
On Click Action
On Click Action
  1. Use the drop-down lists to select the following:
    • Template
    • Action
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Add a tag if necessary and click the Insert button.
Add Node/Document Generation screen
Add Node/Document Generation screen

If you are interested, check out our Salesforce document generation article for a comparison of the 10 best tools in the market.

Hidden Title

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