Modal – Show Close Icon
Business Background
The Show Close Icon option is available for the Modal element. When the modal has a title you can add or remove the close icon.
How to Video
Coming soon!
How to Guide
- Navigate to Titan Web Application and select the expand (+) button next to the settings icon. A list of elements will show.
- Select the Containers element option from the list.
- Click-and-drag the Modal element option to the canvas.
- Select the Modal element settings Gear icon. The Modal Settings screen opens.
- Select the Interactivity option.
- Use the Show Close Icon checkbox to show the icon. The Show icon option is only available if the Show title option is on (checked). The Show Close Icon option is, by default, on.
The modal on the left has a close icon (checkbox is checked), and the modal on the right doesn’t have a close icon (checkbox is unchecked).