Hide Onload

Business Background

Use the Hide Onload option to hide specific elements on load to control what the user sees. The Hide Onload option is available for different types of elements. This option allows the user to hide an effect element and use Show to display elements, such as a button.

How to Video

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How to Guide

  1. Navigate to Titan Web Application.
  2. Click the expand (+) button next to the settings icon. A list of elements will show.
  3. Select the Input option from the list.
    • In this article, we used the Text Area as an example.
  4. Drag and drop the Text Area element to the canvas.
  5. Click the Text Area settings Gear icon. The Text Area setting screen opens.
  6. Select the Interactivity option from the list.

You can use an affected element (such as a button) and use the Show to display to activate the call to action functionality. When the affected element is selected, it will show the hidden information.

  1. Click the Hide Onload checkbox. The element will not show on the screen when the page is loaded.
Hide Onload option
Hide Onload option

Hidden Title

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