External Lookup – New Zealand Business Number
Business Background
Look up external information on businesses registered in New Zealand using Titan Web.
Titan Solution
You can use the external lookup widget to look up external business information, such as the NZBN or name.
The widget will provide access to publicly available information when businesses register for a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) or a business name. The latter is useful when you don’t have an NZBN.
How to Video
Coming soon!
How to Guide
- Select the + icon to add an element.
- Under the Widget option, drag-and-drop the External Lookup widget to the canvas.
- Select the External Lookup widget’s Gear icon. The External Lookup Settings screen opens.
- Select the Configure APIs button. The API Keys screen opens.
- Select the NZBN option.
- Use the Enable toggle switch to switch it on.
- Paste the NZBN API Key in the field and select the Apply button. Browse here for more information on obtaining the API from the New Zealand government.
- Use the drop-down list to select the NZBN option.
- Select the Configure Mapping button. The Configure Custom Parameters screen opens.
- Map the relevant fields.
Number | Titan label | API label | Description |
1 | entityStatusCode | entityStatusCode | A code that identifies the business entity’s current trading status, during formation, operation, and voluntary or involuntary winding up. A full list is available on the API explorer website. Not required for POST. |
2 | entityName | entityName | The current registered name of the business entity, which may differ from its trading name(s) and historic entity names. For sole traders the entity name is a concatenation of First, Middle and Last Names recorded in the sole trader role entry. Not required for POST. |
3 | nbzn | nbzn | The 13 digit unique identifier of a New Zealand business entity. Not required for POST. |
4 | entityTypeCode | entityTypeCode | Entity type code. One of LTD, ULTD, COOP, ASIC, NON_ASIC, Sole_Trader, Partnership, Trading_Trust, B, I, D, F, N, S, T, Y, Z, GovtCentral, GovtLocal, GovtEdu, GovtOther. |
5 | entityTypeDescription | entityTypeDescription | One of NZ Limited Company, NZ Unlimited Company, NZ Co-operative Company, Overseas ASIC Company, Overseas Non-ASIC Company, Sole Trader, Partnership, Trust, Building Society, Incorporated Society, Credit Union , Friendly Society, Industrial & Provident Society, Special Body, Charitable Trust, Limited Partnership (NZ), Limited Partnership (Overseas), Central Government, Local Government, Education, Other Public Entity. |
6 | entityStatusDescription | entityStatusDescription | The description of the business entity’s trading status, e.g. showing registered or in voluntary or involuntary winding up. Not required for POST. |
7 | tradingNames | tradingNames | A trading name used by this business entity. |
8 | classificationCodes | classificationCode | BIC Code that is applicable to this entity’s nature of work. |
9 | classificationDescription | classificationDescription | Description of this entity’s nature of work. |
10 | classificationUniqueIdentifiers | uniqueIdentifier | A code to allow updating of this record. |
11 | registrationDate | registrationDate | Date/time type. |
12 | sourceRegisterUniqueId | sourceRegisterUniqueId | String type. |
- Select the Apply button.