External Lookup – Australian Business Number

Business Background

Look up external information on businesses registered in Australia using Titan Web.

Titan Solution

You can use the external lookup widget to look up external business information, such as the ABN, ACN, or name.

The widget will provide access to publicly available information when businesses register for an Australian Business Number (ABN) or have an Australian Company Number (ACN) or a business name. The latter is useful when you don’t have an ABN or ACN.

How to Video

Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Select the + icon to add an element.
  2. Under the Widget option, drag-and-drop the External Lookup widget to the canvas.
External lookup widget
  1. Select the External Lookup widget’s Gear icon. The External Lookup Settings screen opens.
  2. Select the Configure APIs button. The API Keys screen opens.
Configure APIs button
Configure APIs button
  1. Select the ABN option.
  2. Use the Enable toggle switch to switch it on.
  3. Paste the ABN API Key in the field and select the Apply button.

Browse here for more information on obtaining the API from the Australian Business Register. You must register on this official ABN website to receive the API key.

API Keys screen
API Keys screen
  1. Use the drop-down list to select the ABN option.
  2. Select the Configure Mapping button. The Configure Custom Parameters screen opens.
Configure Mapping
Configure Mapping
  1. Map the relevant fields.
Configure Custom Parameters screen
Configure Custom Parameters screen
NumberTitan LabelAPI labelDescription
1AbnABNAustralian Business Number.
2AbnStatusACNCRegistration/statusCurrent ABN status.
3AbnStatusEffectiveFromACNCRegistration/effectiveFromCurrent ABN date of effect.
4AcnACNAustralian Company Number (applicable only if ACN has an associated ABN).
5AddressDatemainBusinessPhysicalAddress/effectiveFromDate field.
6AddressPostcodemainBusinessPhysicalAddress/postcodePostcode of current main business location.
7AddressStatemainBusinessPhysicalAddress/stateCodeState of current main business location.
8BusinessNamebusinessName/organisationNameList of current registered business names
Multiple names are separated by ^.
9EntityNameEntity nameCurrent entity name.
10EntityTypeCodeentityType/entityTypeCodeString field.
11EntityTypeNameentityType/entityDescriptionEntity type description
12GstGST registrationGST registration and date of effect.
  1. Select the Apply button.

Hidden Title

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