Email Survey Redirect after Submit

Business Background

Dynamically redirect your email survey taker to your website, or perhaps another important website that suits your business needs.

Titan Solution

  • With Titan Email Survey you can configure a redirect action when the email survey taker submits the survey.
  • Customer responses sync straight back to Salesforce, ensuring complete automation for your surveys.

How to Video

Coming Soon.

How to Guide

We added Survey options under the Project settings. You can configure an action that will happen after the survey is completed (a redirect action).


Make sure that you have added a question to the email survey.

Open the Project settings by clicking on the Gear icon on the Email Survey.

Gear icon on the Email Survey Slides menu
Gear icon on the Email Survey Slides menu
  1. Under Survey, drag the On Submit Redirect toggle switch to enable the option.
  2. Click on the Gear icon to open the Set Conditions screen.
On Submit Redirect toggle switch
  1. Create an IF statement using the drop-down options. In most cases, the condition will be on the Value in the Field drop-down list. This is the value that the survey taker selected in the email survey question.
Create a rule on the Set Conditions screen
Create a rule on the Set Conditions screen
  1. Click on the Configure Redirect button to configure the THEN statement for when the IF statement is true. For instance, if the Value equals Yes, then redirect to a particular website. (You can add multiple conditions.) The Redirect/Go To Page screen opens.
Configure Redirect button
Configure Redirect button
  1. Select the redirect URL from the drop-down list. The most used options are:
    • Value: This is the value embedded behind the answer in the email survey question.
    • Other: You will have to add a static URL on the Redirect/Go to Page screen.
  2. For the options Value and Other in the drop-down list, click on the Set parameters button. The Configure redirect parameters screen opens.
Redirect/Go To Page screen
Redirect/Go To Page screen

Setting parameters for the redirect is optional.

  1. Add the parameter values in the fields to pass parameters to the URL.
  2. Click on the Apply button.
Configure redirect parameters screen
Configure redirect parameters screen
  1. Configure the Default condition/s. This is what will happen if the IF statement is not met. It is mandatory to set a Default condition.
  2. Click on the Configure Redirect button and configure the redirect on the Redirect/Go To Page screen.
  3. Close the Set Conditions screen.
Configure default option

When a redirect action has been configured, the Finish Slide will no longer we visible on the survey.

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Hidden Title

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