January 12th, 2024

New Features

Titan Sign

Populate State Picklists

We added the option to sync a State picklist from Salesforce. If the country in Salesforce is limited to the United States, only the US states will be available in the picklist. Read More

Titan Platform

Send Logs using Salesforce APEX Classes

You can now send Integration and Account logs to Salesforce using APEX classes.

Learn more about Integration and Account logs.

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

The Salesforce Get on a power table didn’t work as expected when the table was refreshed. This was fixed.

We resolved a bug where the long text in a power table column didn’t display correctly when the “Group by” functionality was used.

An interactive document’s Next Field button didn’t work until the fields were validated. This is not correct, and we fixed the issue.

Our team resolved a bug where a button element was duplicated in a stepper container on the laptop device layout.

The token for Pelecard payments didn’t work correctly on new projects. This was fixed.

Our team resolved a bug that affected the Tamal integration with Pelecard payments.

A bug occurred when a numeric value was mapped to the text comparison widget. This was fixed.

Titan Survey

When a question was removed from a survey, the Undo indicator didn’t always show that a change was made. Our team resolved it.

We fixed a few bugs that affected an email survey; for instance, the email submit flow was incorrectly cleared when toggling between the Custom and Default flow options.

Titan Sign

We added the option to insert the Record ID in an email.

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When the signer opened the document, the interactive elements incorrectly moved slightly to the right. Our team resolved this.

We fixed several issues that affected the alignment of interactive elements on a signed document.

We added more options to the Sign Wizard Pre-populate Apex class, such as enabling the following:

  • Parallel Signing Flow;
  • Do Not Send Emails;
  • Org-Wide Email Address ID; and
  • Notify After Process Finish.

Our team fixed a bug where the signatures in a section didn’t render as expected.

There was a bug where data was missing from a document after a user submitted a signed PDF. We fixed this.

Titan Platform

We improved and simplified the administration and troubleshooting of third-party integrations by showing basic information about third-party integrations configured on a user’s Titan account.

Learn more about third-party integration.

When exporting a project with the Short URL option enabled to another environment and removing the project in the original environment, the URL of the published project was incorrect. Our team resolved this.

An error occurred when exporting a project using a PIN. This was fixed.

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