April 19th, 2024

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

We found an error where it seemed that previously saved submission files were cleared when the submission was updated in a repeat auto-fit container. We fixed this issue.

Learn more about submissions.

The styling for the menu item on the drop-down element didn’t work as expected. Our team resolved this.

We added a horizontal scrollbar to the Layer List screen to ensure that all nested labels are visible.

We made a small cosmetic UI fix to the Search icon on the search element to show that it is clickable. This also improves accessibility.

We added the breadcrumbs widget to translations.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-45.png

Learn more about the breadcrumbs widget.

We added captions and translations to the barcode reader widget.

Learn more about the barcode reader widget.

We added the “Where used” option on a rule in the Action Flow Library.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-60.png

Learn more about Rules in the Actions Flow Library.

On a form, there was a Move Up option on the first row and a Move Down menu option on the last row. This was not correct, and we fixed it.

Learn more about how to insert a form.

Titan Survey

The Response field in Salesforce wasn’t populated. We resolved this.

Titan Sign

The Copy, Delete and Align options were removed for dynamic templates as they served no purpose.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-64-1024x276.png

Titan Ecommerce

We improved the display of the quick cart to ensure that it doesn’t cover other contents, especially for mobile device layouts.

Titan Platform

We fixed an issue that caused the data in Submissions to display incorrectly.

Hidden Title