TITAN Survey Package for Salesforce

What is the Purpose of the TITAN Survey Package?

The Titan Survey Package will enable you to use TITAN Survey. The Titan Survey Package for Salesforce contains metadata (custom objects and fields that store all Titan Survey data) and automations for Titan Survey.

What are the Requirements?

You will need to have an API enabled edition of Salesforce and to have installed your Titan package. Install Titan by visiting TITAN Surveys on the Salesforce AppExchange, clicking Get It Now, and following the prompts:

Get It Now Button
Get It Now Button

What Features do you get with the TITAN Survey Package?

The TITAN Survey package enables you to create, distribute, automate, track, and report on your surveys directly from Salesforce.

How do I view Titan Package Components?

  1. On Salesforce, navigate to Apps> Packaging> Installed Packages and select TITAN Survey.
  2. Select View Components to see a list of Titan Metadata components:
View Components

Metadata Components Included in the TITAN Survey Package

There are a number of metadata components included in the TITAN Survey Package. Navigate through the list below for further details:

Custom Objects

Apex Classes

  • VoidTakersBatch (Internal Use)
  • Survey_DistributionTriggerHandler (Internal Use)
  • DistributeSurvey
  • SurveyTrackingTriggerHandler (Internal Use)
  • SurveyHelper (Internal Use)
  • RenderStoredemailTemplateRest (Internal Use)
  • CreateSQRRest (Internal Use)
  • CreateSurveyTakersRest (Internal Use)
  • CreateSurveyTakersBatch (Internal Use
  • CreateSurveyTakersReportBatch (Internal Use)
  • CreateSurveyRest (Internal Use)
  • LoggerHelper (Internal Use)

Apex Trigger

  • Survey Tracking (Internal use, whenever there is survey tracking, this will run).
  • Survey Distribution (Internal Use)





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