Get more information on Recovery

What can the Recovery option do?

Titan hosts all previously deleted work in the Recovery Center. There are two recovery options to ensure you have complete control of what happens to your projects and data:

  • Recovery: restore your data to its previous state.
  • Delete: permanently delete content, all data is removed and cannot be recovered.

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How can you Update your Recovery Options?

  1. Select the Settings tab in the top ribbon. Select the Recovery Center sub-tab.
  2. Select the Recovery option.
  3. Select the project you want to delete or restore from the list, for instance, project, submission, theme, or report. A list of deleted projects shows.
Recovery center screen
Recovery center screen

Use the checkbox/es to select options to recover or delete.

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How can you Recover Deleted Data?

  1. Select the Recovery icon next to the project when you want to restore the project, submission, themes, or report.
Recovery Screen
Recovery Screen

A success message is displayed. Your project will now be available on your home page.

Success Message

How can you Permanently Delete Data?

  1. Select the Delete icon to permanently delete the project, submission, theme, or report. The Permanent Delete screen opens requesting a password.
  1. Enter your password to log in with your Titan account.
  2. Alternatively, select the Salesforce account that you want to sign in with. The Login screen opens.
Permanent Delete screen
Permanent Delete screen

The screen differs depending on account type.

  1. Type the username in the Username field.
  2. Type the password in the Password field.
  3. Select the Log In button. The Allow Access screen opens.
Login screen
Login screen
  1. Scroll down and select the Allow button. The Permanent Delete screen opens.
Allow Access screen
Allow Access screen
  1. Select the OK button to confirm your request. The project, submission, themes, or report will be permanently deleted.
Permanent Delete screen
Permanent Delete screen

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