Explore Project Usage

What does your Usage tell you?

View how much data each project and process accounts for and the corresponding number of submissions. All data of Forms and Sign is stored in Titan. You have the option to permanently delete data from this window and access project submissions by selecting the project name.

How to Video

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How you can View your Usage

  1. Select the Settings tab in the top ribbon. Select the Recovery Center sub-tab.
  2. Select the Usage option. A Form and Document sign drop-down list opens.
Usage screen
Usage screen
  1. Select the Form or Document sign option and view the following:
    • Select the project name to view the project you want to delete or view the submissions data.
    • Select the number of submissions to view the submissions you want to delete or view.
    • Select the Delete icon to permanently empty storage. The Permanent Delete screen opens.
Forms option screen
Forms option screen

How can you Permanently Delete Data?

  1. Enter your password to log in with your Titan account.
  2. Alternatively, select the Salesforce account that you want to sign in with. The Login screen opens.
  3. Type the username in the Username field on the Login screen.
  4. Type the password in the Password field on the Login screen.
  5. Select the Log In button. The Allow Access screen opens.
  6. Scroll down and select the Allow button. The Permanent Delete screen opens.
  7. Select the OK button. The project submission storage will be permanently deleted.
Permanent Delete screen
Permanent Delete screen

Hidden Title

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