Learn more about the Help Center

What does the Help Offer you?

Titan Help caters to a range of learning styles offering YouTube walkthroughs, technical how-to guides, and best practice articles. All resources are self-service and accessible at any time.

How can you access Help?

View a range of self-service tools to grow your skills.

  1. Select the Help tab. A drop-down list opens.
Help drop-down
Help drop-down

The available options are:

Support CenterUse the Support Center to find answers to questions and learn more about a specific topic. All technical articles and easy-to-follow how-to guides are available here.
Titan AcademyUse the Titan Academy to embark on your upskilling journey, start a learning path, and easily track your progress on each course.
Titan 101Use the Titan 101 link to view YouTube videos on the Titan channel. All the videos are cataloged into curated playlists that cover webinars, how-to guides, use cases, and much more. Discover learning material available on the YouTube channel only.

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