Find out how to Navigate My Projects

What Search Features and Options are available for Projects?

Filter your view of all projects on the dashboard. You can change how you view projects and view project details without opening them. Keeping your projects organized in your preferred method makes it easy to find projects.

How to Video

  • 0:01 Introduction.
  • 0:20 Learn how to filter projects

How can you Navigate the Projects on the Dashboard?

  1. Use the Search field to find a project. This option is helpful when you have many projects.
Search field
Search field

You can search for a project using the ID from the URL.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-303.png

  1. Click the project Kebab icon to view the following options:
Kebab icon
Kebab icon
  1. Use the Sort by option to sort the projects. You can sort by Name or Last updated.
Sort by options
Sort by options
  1. Change the view of the projects to Grid (default) or List view.
Grid View icon
Grid View icon
  1. Use the list of contents on the left to quickly find a project, either by folder or project type.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
  1. Use folders to categorize projects into specific folders to easily find files and source information quickly.
Folders screen

When you delete a folder, all the projects in that folder will also be deleted.


You can either select projects or folders but not a combination of the two.

Hidden Title

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