Create a Reusable Actions Flow Library

Business Background

Create a library of reusable actions and flows on each page of your project to leverage your business development. At Titan Web, we’re steering innovation by empowering automation to your business processes.

Titan Solution

Titan Web offers the option to create a reusable actions flow library, enabling users to automate and save actions flow without having to write code.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

You can save the flow of action to the Action Flow Library for future use on all the pages of a project. You can use a rule of the same flow in different parts of the same project. You can edit a rule and reuse it.


The library is currently limited to a project and will not be available across different projects.

  1. Select the Save to Library option. The Save Rule Name popup opens.
On Click Action>Save to Library
  1. Create a name for the rule. 
Save Rule Name screen
  1. Click the Save button. The icon of the rule changes on Actions Flow.
  2. Select the Apply button.
On Click Action screen

The added rule shows on the Action Flow Library screen.


Project settings > Tools > Action Flow Library > Gear icon

Action Flow Library

Hidden Title

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