Quantity Counter

Business Background

Add a quantity counter as a survey element to your Web project with no code.

Titan Solution

With Titan Web, you can add a quantity counter to a project with which a user can add quantities to your project.

How to Video

  • Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Click the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Survey option from the list.
  3. Drag and drop the Quantity Counter element to the canvas.

The – and + icons are default. You can change these to any icon you need.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-137.png

  1. Use the Gear icon to configure the settings.

The user can add or remove quantity to the counter by using the + or – icon.

Learn how to change the default icons or add button text.

Hidden Title

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