On Attach Action

Business Background

The On Attach Action option is available for the File Upload element. Add a file from a device using Titan Web and push the file to a Salesforce object with no code.

How to Video

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How to Guide



Add a Salesforce Push integration on the project.

Project Settings > Salesforce > Salesforce Integration > Push > Create New

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-176.png

  1. Expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web to show the list of elements.
  2. Select the Input option from the list.
  3. Drag the File Upload element to the canvas.
  4. Select the File Upload settings Gear icon. The File Upload settings screen opens.
  5. Select the Interactivity option from the list.
  6. Select the On Attach Action checkbox. The drop-down list opens.
  7. Choose one of the options from the drop-down list to add an on-attach action. The options come from the Salesforce Push integrations you configured.
On Attach Action option
On Attach Action option

Hidden Title

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