Line Styling

The Line is a two-dimensional graphic element that is used for various reasons, such as creating boundaries, dividing areas, or accenting parts of the design. Titan line types include solid lines, dashes, and bi-directional arrows.

You can configure different styling for this element and edit it on both the Project Style Level and Element Style Level

Styling options
Styling options
#OptionFunctionAvailable in Project or Element
1ColorThis option refers to the color you can set for your line. The color can be selected from a color pallet or by specifying a HEX color code.
2PositionYou can adjust the line to rotate in different directions (in 90-degree jumps), 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
3SizeThis option allows you to change the width (length) and height (thickness) of the Line element.
4AlignmentThis option allows you to set the line’s vertical (top/middle/bottom) or horizontal position (left/center/right) in relation to its parent container (which can be a container/column/strip).

It also allows you to set the position of a few elements in relation to each other.
5RotationYou can adjust the line to rotate in different directions (in 90-degree jumps): 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
6User CSSCascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow the user to apply styles on the Line element with CSS code.

Note: For Project styling, CSS is accessed via the Tools menu, which you can read about in our Style Elements Using User CSS article.

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