Line Styling
The Line is a two-dimensional graphic element that is used for various reasons, such as creating boundaries, dividing areas, or accenting parts of the design. Titan line types include solid lines, dashes, and bi-directional arrows.
You can configure different styling for this element and edit it on both the Project Style Level and Element Style Level.

# | Option | Function | Available in Project or Element ![]() |
1 | Color | This option refers to the color you can set for your line. The color can be selected from a color pallet or by specifying a HEX color code. | |
2 | Position | You can adjust the line to rotate in different directions (in 90-degree jumps), 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. | |
3 | Size | This option allows you to change the width (length) and height (thickness) of the Line element. | |
4 | Alignment | This option allows you to set the line’s vertical (top/middle/bottom) or horizontal position (left/center/right) in relation to its parent container (which can be a container/column/strip). It also allows you to set the position of a few elements in relation to each other. | |
5 | Rotation | You can adjust the line to rotate in different directions (in 90-degree jumps): 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. | |
6 | User CSS | Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow the user to apply styles on the Line element with CSS code. Note: For Project styling, CSS is accessed via the Tools menu, which you can read about in our Style Elements Using User CSS article. | |