IP Country Location

Business Background

Leverage IP addresses to geolocate users on your website. Users are favorable towards content that displays localized content.

Titan Solution

Titan creates a customized experience for each user by using geolocation to identify the user’s country. Creating content that dynamically changes depending on user location. Engage with audiences using targeted content such as time and date.

How to Guide

  1. Navigate to the Projects setting menu, select the Tools tab in the ribbon, and click the Gear icon next to Custom Variables.
Project settings screen
  1. Navigate to the System Variables tab and select the Country location by IP in the Default Value drop-down.
Custom Variables screen: IP country location assignments
  1. Click Apply once all elements are configured.

Use IP Country Location to:

  • Create custom business logic.
  • Display different content to users.
  • Redirect visitors to different external pages.

When viewing the Debug Project screen, the Country location variable displays and includes the user country code.

Debug Project screen

Hidden Title

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