Ellipsis Mode

Business Background

Use the Ellipsis Mode to give users a clue of what to expect from the content; for instance, you can show part of the text when you have a long paragraph, and if the user wants to continue to read, they can use the read more function.

The Ellipsis Mode option is available for text elements. You can use this option to show less information.

How to Video

  • 0:01 Introduction.
  • 0:39 Learn how to enable Ellipsis Mode.
  • 0:57 Learn how to Configure Ellipsis.
  • 1:12 We show you how to configure Salesforce Integration.
  • 1:34 Learn how to set the Mapping.
  • 2:13 We show you a preview.
  • 2:52 Learn how to enable Custom Ellipsis.
  • 3:11 We show you how to set Predefined actions.
  • 3:20 Learn how to set Redirect/Go to Page.

How to Guide

Learn how to create Custom Ellipsis.

  1. Select the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Text option from the list.
  3. Select and drag the Paragraph element to the canvas.
  4. Select the Text element settings Gear icon. The Text Settings screen opens.
  5. Under the Interactivity option, use the toggle switch to enable the Ellipsis mode.
  6. Select the Ellipsis mode Gear icon. The Configure Ellipsis screen opens.
Ellipsis mode option screen
Ellipsis mode option
  • The Read more label guides a user to read more information. You can modify this text according to your business needs.
  • The View all label guides the user to view all information. You can modify this text according to your business needs.
  1. Select the Apply button.
Configure Ellipsis screen
Configure Ellipsis screen

Hidden Title

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