Configure On Finish Actions

Business Background

Use the Configure On Finish Actions to run actions upon finishing. The On Finish Actions option is available for different elements, such as steppers and multi-step containers, when using the built-in controls.

How to Video

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How to Guide


Make sure that Hide Controls is not enabled.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1163.png

  1. Click the icon to open the list of elements.
  2. Select the Container option from the list.
    • In this example, the stepper container is used.
  3. Click-and-drag the Stepper container to the canvas.
  4. Click the Stepper settings Gear icon. The Stepper Settings screen opens.
  5. Select the Interactivity option from the list.
  1. Click the Configure On Finish Actions button. The On Finish Actions screen opens.
On Finish Action screen
On Finish Action screen
  1. Click on the + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
Add Node screen
Add Node screen
  1. Use the available nodes to configure an action that will be triggered when the element finishes, for instance, a Salesforce Action, generate documents, send emails, redirects, show messages, and more to run when the Finish button on the last step is clicked.

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