Show/Hide Images

Business Background

Show or hide an image on a slide to match your business needs.

Titan Solution

  • Titan Survey gives you the flexibility to show or hide an added image to a slide with a single click and no coding.
  • Customer responses sync straight back to Salesforce, ensuring complete automation for your surveys.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

We added an option to show/hide an image in a survey, for instance, you can show an image on a desktop layout, but hide the image on a smaller device layout.



Add images to the slide. Click here for more information.

  1. Click on the slide that contains the image you want to hide.
  2. Hover with your mouse over the image to see the eye icon. If there is a line through the icon, the image can be hidden by clicking on the icon.
Hide icon next to the image
Hide icon next to the image

The image is faintly visible on the page but on the preview and published survey the image is not shown.

Image hidden
Image hidden

Hidden Title

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