External Distribution

Business Background

Publish using an external link to a large audience in Titan Survey in just a few clicks.

Titan Solution

  • Publish a survey using an external link created with zero code.
  • Copy the generated URL and send it via email or other distribution methods.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide



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  • In Salesforce, copy the Survey Taker ID.
  • Project Settings > Tools > Custom Variable Gear icon.
  • Under Static, click Add a Static Variable. 
  • Type surveytakerid in the Name field and paste the Survey Taker ID in the Default Value field.
  • Click the Apply button.
  1. In Titan, create a new Web Survey Project.
  2. Add question and/or information slides.
Question and Information slides
Question and Information slides
  1. Click the Publish button in the top right corner. The Distribution screen opens.
  2. Click the External option.
  3. Click the Next button. Anonymous User is the default on the next screen.
External option
External option
  1. To send to an anonymous user, click the Next button.
Anonymous User
Anonymous User
  1. To send to an identified user, select the Identified User radio button. The options expand.
  2. Select the object from the Object in Salesforce drop-down list.
  3. Select the Survey Taker ID from the drop-down list.
Identified User
Identified User
  1. Click the Next button.
  2. Add a Comment to the mandatory field and click the Click to Create button.
Click To Create
Click To Create
  1. Click the Copy icon to copy the URL. Then, you can send it via email or other distribution method.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select Embed. You can embed the survey URL in your website.
  3. Click the Copy icon to copy the Short URL.
Action screen
Action screen

Hidden Title

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