Redistribute Existing Survey

Business Background

Redistribute an existing Web survey using Titan Survey, in just a few clicks.

Titan Solution

  • Using Titan Survey, you can redistribute an existing survey that has already been distributed.
  • All distribution methods are native to Salesforce, which gives us the edge over our competitors.
  • Redistribution enables you to send out the same survey in different ways, for instance, via particular list views or for automation based on a specific Salesforce trigger.
  • Through redistribution, you don’t have to create multiple projects to report on the same survey.

How to Video

Coming Soon.

How to Guide

Do the following to redistribute a survey without making any changes to the layout of the survey.

  1. Once you have sent out your survey at least once, click the Publish button and select the New option.
  2. Click the Next button. The Distribution screen opens.
Distribution - Action screen
Distribution – Action screen
  1. Distribute the survey by selecting any of the options:
Distribution screen
Distribution screen

Hidden Title

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