Custom Submit Actions

Business Background

Use the push function in Titan Survey to transfer or deliver data as it is to Salesforce objects.

Titan Solution

Use Titan Survey to customize the actions before, when, or after a survey taker submits the survey using the Custom Submit Actions.

How to Video

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How to Guide

Customer responses are usually synced straight back to Salesforce, ensuring complete automation for your surveys. The Custom Submit Action functionality lets you customize the actions that occur before, when, or after the survey taker submits the survey. The responses are no longer sent to Salesforce automatically. When using the Custom Submit Action functionality, you must configure all the actions you want to happen when a survey is submitted.

  1. Create a new Web Survey.
  2. Add a question slide and click on the Next button.
  3. Click on the Gear icon to open the Project Settings.
  4. Click on the Survey option.
  5. Click on the Gear icon next to the Actions option. The Survey Actions Settings screen opens.
Project Settings - Survey - Actions option
Project Settings – Survey – Actions option

When Custom Submit Action is on, it is not possible to set After Submit Actions as the Gear icon is greyed out.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-795.png

  1. Click on the Gear icon of Custom Submit Actions to open the Custom Submit Action screen.
  1. Click on the + sign on a node. The Add Node screen opens. This example adds a Salesforce action. You can update any Salesforce object with the responses you receive from the survey.
  2. Click on the Salesforce Action option. The Add Node/Salesforce Action screen opens.
Salesforce Action option
Salesforce Action option
  1. Select an option from the Process push or get drop-down list to add a push option.
  2. Click on the Next button.
  3. If necessary, type the tag in the Tag field.
  4. Click on the Insert button.
Process push or get drop-down list
Process push or get drop-down list
  1. Click on the + sign on a node. The Add Node screen opens.
Salesforce Action on the On Finish Action screen
Salesforce Action on the On Finish Action screen

The Survey Submit option will ensure that the responses are sent to the Survey object part of the Titan package in Salesforce. If you do not add the Survey Submit option, the responses will not update the Survey object part of the Titan package in Salesforce. This is not a mandatory step.

  1. Click on the Survey Submit option to add the action that must happen when the survey is submitted. The Edit Node screen opens.
  2. Add a tag on Add Node/ Survey Submit screen if necessary and click on the Insert button.

You can add actions to happen after the survey is submitted.

Hidden Title

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