Power Table Accessibility Improvements
Improved power table accessibility. Now, the screen readers announce the header for every data cell, making the table contents clearer and more structured. The order of announcements was also improved and always follows a static pattern.
Read more about accessibility.
Older Releases
Animated Media Improvement
We now fully support Lottie file uploads.
Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that uses JSON data to describe animation data. Lottie animations can be rendered natively on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web.
Lottie animations are vector-based, meaning they scale without losing quality. This makes them ideal for responsive designs that need to look good on various screen sizes and resolutions.
Lottie files support interactivity, allowing developers to programmatically control the playback of animations. This can be used to create responsive and interactive user experiences.
Compared to traditional animation formats like GIFs or videos, Lottie files are relatively small. They can provide high-quality animations with a fraction of the file size, improving load times and performance.
The Lottie libraries are open source. Read More
Quantity Counter Buttons Improvement
We improved the accessibility and positioning of the trash icon on the quantity counter input element. Read more about the trash icon’s absolute position.
OTP Access Improvement
OTP (One-Time Password) access is a security mechanism that generates a unique, temporary password or code for a single login session or transaction. It is often used as an additional layer of authentication to enhance security, commonly in multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. OTPs are valid for only a short period and can only be used once, making it difficult for attackers to reuse stolen credentials.
Configure OTP Access with Environment Variables. Read More
Exporting projects with shared OTP Access can now be done seamlessly. Read More
Lottie Animation Improvement
We added the option to play a Lottie animation only once and then to stop. Read More
Add Additional Item
You can add an additional item to Dynamic Values so that a client can select an option that is not available from Salesforce. The Additional Item option is available for the drop-down, multi-select picklist, radio, and checkbox elements. Read More
Custom OTP Improvement
You can now set a custom OTP session duration ranging from 5 to 720 minutes. When the toggle switch is off, the duration is 2 hours (120 minutes).
Learn more about OTP Access.
My Submission Improvement
You can now view the draft and copy the link for Form 1.0 projects from the My Submissions screen. Read More
Titan Supports Google Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Policy Phaseout
We have implemented essential changes over the past few weeks to support Google’s latest policy updates regarding Chrome third-party cookies. These updates ensure that Titan Web projects remain fully functional when embedded as Salesforce Lightning Web Components, on Salesforce Community pages, and within IFrames. This means that you can still seamlessly integrate Titan Web projects into your existing workflows, regardless of whether your browser has already enabled the third-party cookie phaseout.
Our proactive measures underscore our commitment to maintaining industry leadership and anticipating the needs of our users. By addressing the phasing out of third-party cookies head-on, we guarantee that your Titan Web projects will continue to operate flawlessly within the rapidly evolving web development landscape.
For more information on the Google Chrome third-party cookie policy update, refer to the following website: Prepare for phasing out third-party cookies.
Accessibility Improvement
We added accessibility to the quantity counter survey element. The screen reader will read the Accessibility Label to make the content more accessible to people who use assistive technologies. Read More