October 7th, 2022

New Features

Titan Web

Input Type Column in Power Tables

You can add an input element to a power table. Read More

Project Status

Titan lets you view the project status and publish the project in a few clicks. Read More

Auto PDF

You can download the contents of your web page as a PDF. Elements such as a stepper or tabs will download each step or tab on a separate page. Read More

Titan Forms

Custom Modals

We added custom modals to Forms 2.0 under the Containers option.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-269.png

Titan Survey

Search Slide Questions

We added the option to search for Question and Information slides. Read More

Titan Docs

Checkbox Format Option

We added a Checkbox Format option in the Word add-in for a single checkbox in Titan Web. A checkbox icon will be added to the document.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-254-1024x430.png

Titan Platform

Delete Warning Message

We added a warning message that will be shown when you delete an editor or collaborator to ensure you don’t delete it by accident.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-251.png

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

Signature fields were not appearing on a document download or a push to Salesforce with custom buttons in the Interactive preview. This was fixed.

We made cosmetic UI changes to some elements’ settings screens.

There was a bug where the content of the subcomponent in a power table with the setting “auto grow” overflowed. This was fixed and we added resizing to the subcomponent height.

We fixed an issue that occurred in a power table in the Firefox browser.

There was a bug on the Hide On Load function on a repeated column. This was fixed.

When exporting the debug file for a project with page variables, the page variable values were not included in the CSV file. We fixed this.

There was a bug that occurred when copying a table. The data in the table wasn’t copied as well. Our team fixed this.

We added text wrap to the headings of a lookup table. The headers will no longer break anywhere in a word.

We fixed a bug that occurred when a power table was added to a stepper element.

We fixed currency and installment parameter issues in Yaad payments.

We added additional design options for the Scheduler widget.

We updated the tooltips for elements on Titan Web.

There were some bugs on the file upload functionality:

  • An On Attach Action ran before the file was attached.
  • There were upload problems on a 1000/50Mbit connection.
  • A maximum of three files could be attached despite a configuration that allowed for more files to upload.
  • Uploaded files could not be cleared.

These issues were fixed.

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