Custom Object: Titan Sign Tracking

What does Titan Sign Tracking do?

This custom object tracks the progress of a Titan Sign Document.

API Name


Page Layout

Titan Sign Tracking Layout.

Custom fields

Lookups to related objects will be added dynamically according to your Titan Sign or CLM template.

LabelAPI NameData TypeFunctionality
By EmailForm_Builder__By_Email__cEmailThe email address of the collaborator/signer
By First NameForm_Builder__By_FirstName__cText(255)The first name of the collaborator/signer
By Last NameForm_Builder__By_LastName__cText(255)The last name of the collaborator/signer
Comment Form_Builder__Comment__cLong Text Area(2500)The text of the reject reason
Company Signature Form_Builder__Company_Signature__cRich Text Area(131072)Default company signature
Current RoundForm_Builder__Current_Round__cNumber(5, 0)The current collaboration round number
Current Round Name Form_Builder__Current_Round_Name__cText(255)The current collaboration round name for the project
Data IdForm_Builder__Data_Id__cText(80)Signature ID
Document LinkForm_Builder__Document_Link__c URL(255)URL/ Link of the Sign Document
Event Form_Builder__Event__cPicklistThis custom field provides the following functionalities:

Document Created: initial status, where the document is created

Sent: When the document is sent

Viewed: When the document is viewed

Document Updated: When the document is updated

Draft: When the document is classified as a draft

Rejected: When the document is rejected by the signer

Completed: When the document is finalized with all signatures

Signed: When the document is signed.

Disclaimer Confirmed: Adds a disclaimer to a document

Face Verification Failed: This means face verification has failed for Titan Sign

Face Verified: This means face verification for Titan Sign has succeeded
MetaDataForm_Builder__MetaData__cLong Text Area(131072)Contains all the metadata of the document/ tracking
Personal Signature Form_Builder__Personal_Signature__cRich Text Area(131072) Default Signature per User
Step NumberForm_Builder__Step_Number__cNumber(18, 0)Each track will contain a number of steps. This is used for tracking multiple signers
Titan DocumentForm_Builder__TItan_Document__cMaster-Detail(Titan Sign Document)Master-detail to the Titan Sign Document Record
Titan Signature IDForm_Builder__Titan_Signature_ID__cText(64)ID of Titan Signature
TST#NameAuto NumberCreates unique number as record name
Using IP Address Form_Builder__Using_IP_Address__c Text(45)The IP Address of the User

You can read more about Titan Sign Tracking here.

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