Custom Object: Document Comment

What does Document Comment do?

This object tracks comments on CLM.

API Name


Page Layout

Titan Sign Tracking Layout.

Custom fields

LabelAPI NameData TypeFunctionality
CLM Comment IDForm_Builder__CLM_Comment_Id__ctextCLM Comment ID
CommentForm_Builder__Comment__clong textThe Comment Value
EmailForm_Builder__Email__cemailThe email of the collaborator who comments
NameForm_Builder__Name__ctextName of the collaborator who comments
Parent CommentForm_Builder__Parent_Comment__c Lookup (Document Comment)If there is a sub-comment, it will be related to the parent comment
ResolvedForm_Builder__Resolved__c  checkboxIf a comment is resolved or not
Titan Sign TrackingForm_Builder__Titan_Sign_Tracking__c Lookup (Titan Sign Tracking)Lookup to the Titan Sign Tracking
SourceForm_Builder__Source__cLong Text Area (50768)Source of the comment

Hidden Title

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