Titan Loop for Flow

Business Background

Sometimes you may have a collection of items that you want to evaluate one by one. You can loop on a list of items in a variable and run an action for each item. You can create, update, or delete a number of records at once.

Titan Solution

  • With Titan, you can add a loop to your Flow project.
  • You can evaluate a list of items one by one, for instance, a variable, and add an action to the evaluation.

How to Video

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How to Guide

The following options are available:

  • Loop: evaluate each item in a list.
  • Continue: after one item is evaluated and the action is executed, continue with the next item.
  • Break: stop the Loop process.
Loop options
Loop options
  1. Open a Flow project.
  2. Under Project Settings, select Tools and click on the Custom Variables Gear icon. The Custom Variables screen opens.
Custom Variables Gear icon
Custom Variables Gear icon
  1. Add Static Variables.
    • Take note of the split delimiter. In this example, semi-colons are used.
      • A split delimiter is a character or sequence of characters that splits a string into multiple parts or segments.
  2. Click the Apply button.
Custom Variables
Custom Variables
  1. Click the + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
+ icon
+ icon
  1. Under Loop, click the Loop option and click the Next button.
Loop option
Loop option
  1. Select the relevant custom variable from the Loop on Element drop-down list.
  2. Select the option for the Split Delimiter.
    • Static: Type the delimiter, for instance, a semi-comma.
    • Field: Use the drop-down list to select the split delimiter.
Add Node/Loop screen
Add Node/Loop screen
  1. Click the Next button.
  2. If necessary, add a tag and click the Insert button. The Loop Node is added to the Flow.
  3. Click the For Each + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
For Each + icon
For Each + icon
  1. Click the Action option and select the Send Email option.
  2. Click the Next button. The Add Node/Send Email screen opens.
Add Node screen
Add Node screen
  1. Click the + icon to add an email. The Configure Email Settings screen opens.
Add Node/Send Email screen
Add Node/Send Email screen
  1. Under the Email name option, type the following:
    • Configuration name. This is mandatory.
    • Description. This is mandatory. There is a 65-character limit on this field.
      • These two fields are shown when the email configuration is added to the Add Node/Send Email screen.
Email name option
Email name option
  1. Under the Recipients option, set up the recipients of the email.
    • Add a Field value for the To option. This is mandatory.
      • Field: Use the drop-down list to select the Loop value.
    • You can add CC, BCC, and Reply to fields as well. These are optional.
  2. Click the Next button.
Recipients option
Recipients option
  1. Under the Send Via option, you have two options with which you can send the email:
Send Via option
Send Via option
  1. Configure the Content.
Content option
Content option
  1. If necessary, add Attachments.
  2. Click the Apply button. The email is added to the Add Node/Send Email screen.
Attachment option
Attachment option
  1. Click the Next button. The Email node is added to the Flow.
Add Node/Send Email screen
Add Node/Send Email screen
  1. Click the + icon of the Email node.
+ icon
+ icon
  1. Under Loop, click the Loop Continue option and click the Next button,
Add Node screen
Add Node screen
  1. Add a tag if necessary, and click the Insert button. The Continued Loop is added to the Flow.
Continued Loop added to Flow
Continued Loop added to Flow

You can also update an object in Salesforce.


There is a 50 record limit: Only 50 records in Salesforce can be updated in one loop.

Make sure that you select the Loop value in the Condition:

Map Salesforce fields
Map Salesforce fields

Learn more about Titan for Salesforce.

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