SmartV Layout

Business Background

Determine the layout of the log in, verification and/or registration page for a SmartV web project. You can add images and/or logos in a number of ways to make your pages unique and in line with your company branding.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide

  1. Browse to the Log In, Verification or Registration screen. In this example, the Log In screen is used.

Browse to the log in screen: Pages > SmartV > Log In

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-849.png

  1. Click the Log In screen Gear icon. The Login Settings screen opens.
  2. Click the Layout option.
Settings screen
Settings screen

You can use the drop-down list to select a different SmartV screen.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-221.png

  1. Select one of the options:
    1. Default Layout
    2. Split Screen Layout
    3. Split Screen Layout – Flipped
    4. Clean and Simple Layout
    5. Clean and Simple Layout – Flipped

The different layouts look as follows:

Default Layout:

Default Layout
Default Layout

You can use the drop-down list to select the different layouts. The drop-down list is available on all the different layout options.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-212.png

Split Screen Layout:

Split Screen Layout
Split Screen Layout

Split Screen Layout – Flipped:

Split Screen Layout - Flipped
Split Screen Layout – Flipped

Clean and Simple Layout:

Clean and Simple Layout
Clean and Simple Layout

Clean and Simple Layout – Flipped:

Clean and Simple Layout - Flipped:
Clean and Simple Layout – Flipped

Configure a layout

  1. Click in the image field. The Add an Image option opens.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  • Choose a previously uploaded image.
Add an Image screen
Add Salesforce record screen
  • Upload a new image.
Add an Image upload screen
  • Insert an image URL.
Add an Image URL screen
  1. Click the Apply button to confirm the new image selection.
  1. Click the Save and Preview buttons.

The images are shown on the Log In screen.


Hidden Title

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