Rename Form Rows, Columns and Cells

Business Background

Simply rename web form rows, columns, and cells conveniently with no code!

Titan Solution

You can rename the rows, columns and cells of a form in Titan Web with a few clicks.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide

  1. Insert a form to a Web project.
  2. Click the Kebab menu next to a row and choose the Rename option. The Rename Row Name pop-up opens.
  1. Type a new name in the field and click the Save icon.
Rename Row Name pop-up
Rename Row Name pop-up
  1. Alternatively, select the Form in the Layer List.
  2. Open the Rows option and right-click on the row which name you want to change.
  3. Select the Rename option. The Rename Row Name pop-up opens.
  1. Type a new name and click the Save icon.
Rename Row Name pop-up
Rename Row Name pop-up

The row is renamed.

Hidden Title

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