Columns In Row

Business Background

Configure the columns in a row for the comparison card widget when you use a device size of tablet (s) and smaller.

Titan Solution

With Titan Web, set the number of columns in a row on the comparison card widget.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide



Read more about device layouts and the different size options in Titan Web.

  1. Click the + icon to add an element.
  2. Under Widgets, drag the Comparison Card widget to the canvas.
Comparison Card widget
Comparison Card widget
  1. Change the device layout:
    • Tablet (S)
    • Mobile (L)
    • Tablet (S)
Device layout options
Device layout options
  1. Click the Gear icon to open the Settings screen.
  2. Type a number in the Columns in Row field.
Columns in Row field
Columns in Row field
  1. Save and Preview the project.

The top example has 2 columns in the row and the bottom example has the default 1 column in a row.


Hidden Title

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