September 29th, 2023

New Features

Titan Web

Responsive Modals

We added Responsive Modals to Containers on Titan Web. A responsive modal is a dialog box or popup window that appears on top of the main content of a web page, typically to display additional information, request user input, or perform a specific action without navigating to a new page. Responsive modals are designed to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Read More

Bulk Translations

You can now do bulk translations using a CSV file. Read More

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

A bug occurred when exporting a project with a repeat strip. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug where the address results were not filtered when a country was selected.

There was a bug on the file viewer element where the PDF could not be viewed as expected. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug where a strip with a hidden form didn’t resize correctly when the page was zoomed.

Titan CLM

CLM collaborators incorrectly received an error when the document was saved. Our team fixed this.

Titan Sign

We improved the field focus and read-out-loud functionality that works together with the Accessibility Mode. When the document is loaded, the focus will automatically be on the Read Out Loud icon.

Make sure that you add the tab order to elements when Accessibility Mode is on to ensure that the field focus works correctly for the elements.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-194.png

We added read-out-loud functionality to mobile devices. When the Accessibility Mode is turned on, the focus will be on the read-out-loud icon. When the user clicks the icon, the page will be read aloud. This includes the interactive elements, which the user can complete.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-192-576x1024.png

We made accessibility improvements:

  • When a field is “required,” this will be added to the text read out loud.
  • The message that the document is loading will be read.
  • The option to draw a signature was added.
  • The user will be alerted in Hebrew and English that the signature modal has opened.
  • The focus will be on the Close icon on the signature modal.
  • The pen colors on the signature modal will be read in Hebrew and English.
  • The header on the signature modal was changed to H2 from H6.
  • Focus was added to the signature field on the signature modal to indicate to the user where to sign.
  • If the user clicks the Apply button without signing, the focus will return to the signature field on the signature modal to ensure that the user signs.

Titan Ecommerce

We fixed the following issues on an e-commerce project checkout page:

  • The Add to Cart button on a product didn’t work as expected.
  • There was an error in the email validation for the billing address.
  • The drawer container on the left of the screen didn’t open when the checkout was open.
  • The checkout modal didn’t close correctly, and on a mobile device, that covered the checkout screen.
  • It was not possible to change the size of the country drop-down list.

Titan Platform

We made a cosmetic UI change to the Select Theme screen when creating a new Titan Web project.

We fixed a cosmetic UI bug on the main Dashboard screen.

Hidden Title